Domestic Violence

Los Angeles, California Domestic Violence Lawyers and Family Law Attorneys


Los Angeles, California Domestic Violence Lawyers and Family Law Attorneys

Domestic Violence in Los Angeles, California

Although California is a no-fault state when it comes to divorce, there are certain areas of divorce and family where fault is actually a factor. A domestic violence conviction is one of those areas. California domestic violence laws are governed by how the terms “domestic” and “abuse” are defined in the statutes. Under California statute, domestic violence is defined as: Abuse committed against an adult or fully emancipated minor who is the spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, who has a dating relationship, former dating relationship, engagement relationship, former engagement relationship, or parties having a child in common. California Family Code Division 10, abuse is defined as: intentionally or recklessly causing or attempting to cause bodily injury, sexual assault, or placing a person in reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury.

Domestic violence is a matter taken very seriously in the California Court system. It’s illegal to commit an assault, battery or criminal threat against anyone in Los Angeles, California. Because the system is hard on domestic violence offenders, it is vital that you have an experienced Los Angeles family law attorney. in these kinds of cases on your side especially at divorce. A domestic violence conviction in Los Angeles, California will result in a minimum sentence of three years of probation and successful completion of a 52-week mandatory batterer’s program which meets one session per week for a minimum of two hours.

Domestic violence impacts many areas of a divorce in Los Angeles, California such as child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support, and property division. So, you need legal assistance to get need a restraining order to protect you, and are seeking a divorce or child custody if you are a victim of domestic violence. Likewise, if you are asserting or defending against a domestic violence charge, obtaining professional and proven successful counsel is a must. At the Law Offices of Cathleen E. Norton, we have skilled family law attorney who are committed to helping you gain that peace of mind and allowing you to enjoy a life without conflict. Our divorce lawyers knowledgeable and experienced to assist our clients in all family law matters in Los Angeles City, Los Angeles County, California. Contact Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyers and Family Law Attorneys (310) 300-4021.